Ten years ago we presented the first TC Quaderns monograph dedicated to BAAS. The studio had already been working under this name for a few years, since 1993, and the publication included some of the works we had built until then: the León Mortuary, the Sant Boi courts, the CH house in La Garriga… .
Since then, many things have changed and BAAS has evolved, working to assimilate these changes. It is difficult to specify which are the main lines of work of a study, especially for the authors themselves, but we are convinced that it is precisely in these compilations, which group together some of the most recent works, where the common elements are perceived, if they exist .

If we had to analyze and explain what our working method is, we would probably start by talking about the site.
We are interested in the ability of architecture to adapt to an environment in a natural way, as if it had always belonged to this context, without disturbing, breaking or violating the physical coexistence with the buildings that have arrived there before us. This is especially visible in urban environments, where we try to make our pieces fit together as the last piece of the puzzle that makes sense of the whole, completing a part of the city as if it had always been there.
For this reason, at the beginning we always work with the situation plan and with models of the environment, always checking that the scale, tone and shapes are a logical continuation of what already exists; in other words, we try to build a city rather than architecture.
From the collective point of view, we try to give the structure the size and appearance it should have according to its urban function, without too many concessions to the program, which we know can change in the future.